"Most people ignore most poetry because most poetry ignores most people. "
/Adrian Mitchell./

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 31. marts

Bestiary of the great lichen.

Existing fire of temptation is even for the salamander much too hot.

Too many ducks are cause of too much gossip.

All unicorns are dead. The purity and strength gone with them.
So patient spiders are that hatred fills my chest.

A girl in headphones sings: "My only fix is you...."
And right she is.
Nymphs dancing all around my kitchen. 
So meaningless they are.

The diagnosis reads: too sociable , impatient too.
But... I am not a harpy,do you know?

Dreams flying round and round along with bats.
Can I be a phoenix ?Or an eagle to start it all over again?

Without the scorpion and a satyr’s influence
It would be so much easier.... appropriate-much more.

My bestiary 
My hive of bats and beasts

 Consequences of experience 
made me 
A griffin in warm sheets

/La seta y la alga./

otrdiena, 2011. gada 29. marts

pagaidām neieņemtie jumti

Pusmiegs projecē tēlus. Kraukļi kuriem izpilda nāvessodu nošaujot. Viņi zina pārāk daudz.
Viņa lūdz apžēlošanu un netop uzklausīta.

Sātans ieskrāpē Viņai tīģeri uz kreisās krūts. Pēc šī uzticības akta Viņa mostotas no iekšēja aukstuma un cer kaut ko sagaidīt,bet pēcāk histēriski smejas par savu naivumu.

Sātans skrāpē Viņas pieredžu sekas smadzeņu krokās. Kamēr Viņa dedzina savas plaušas un aplīst par godu budistiem, kuriem ir lemta piederēt nekad.

Emocionāla ekspresija atvieglo, kamērbestiju simbolizētais skrāpējas, Viņa lūdz par cietokšnu krišanu,kas sniegtu īslaicīgu atpestīšanu un grēku atlaidi,jo reālijas kristu par pīšļiem un sairtu skatienos.

Pusmiegs projecē tēlus. Orhidejas uzstājīgi kļūst par dievlūdzējiem un aprij. Tur neko vairs nevar darīt-nāk pieredze un trīs reizes klauvē pie tikko ieliktām durvīm. Nav zināms vai tā prot būt maiga glāstot ar nažveida nagiem.

Sātans ieskrāpē to maģisko vārdu uz kādas smaidošas pieres... "NEDRĪKST!"

Stop un aizlieguma zīmes intriģē un raisa napārvaramu vēlmi pārkāpt/apiet/ignorēt. Un kad reālijs sairst skatienos un stop un aizlieguma zīmes krīt par pīšļiem nirvāna pienāk par soli tuvāk un nesola neko mūžīgu.

Ja Dievs= mīlestība, vai mīlestība=Dievs? 

Lose yourself deep in the grate eye of God.
Lose yourself deep in the grate eye of Love.

sestdiena, 2011. gada 26. marts


dekapitācija un sirds transplantācija

dekapitētais saprāts saprot

transplantēta sirds atgrūž organismu

dekapitācija un sirds transplantācija

divu zobenu teorija

garīgais lai paliek transplantēts 

cinkotā zārciņā

laicīgi dzīvot vienkāršāk vien jāuzmanās 

nenokavēt un nepārsteigties

sonetu viltotāja vārdiem

mana vilkēde un roze

ēst badainus vilkus

un rozes pēc būtības

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 24. marts

1000 лет

strīdīgi hronoloģiskie ietvari
dažādu spēku ietekme telpā

izlaidība mēris nāve
mēris izlaidība nāve


otrdiena, 2011. gada 22. marts


banālu mēmo kino 
kaistošs aizliegtais kino
lasu Tavus subtitrus
lasīt Tavu anotāciju
kinolentes kūst ierakstā
dzirkstoša dzirkstele dzirkstī
1 pret 3000
es tomēr gribu

piektdiena, 2011. gada 18. marts

having new eyes

šis nav par mīlestību II

Nosēdēt līdz pustrijiem naktī pie datōra dažādu vēstures avotu, dažādu materiālu ielenkumā un spēt izspiest no sevis tikai 3lpp. garu worda dokumentu bez dvēseles ir ļoti... muļķīgi. Bet vismaz avotu un literatūras saraksts ir-nepareizi noformēts un šoreiz dabiski mazāk būtisks par dvēseles ielikšanu rakstītajā. Bet ko lai dara, ka strops jāsamoka,lai viņš piekristu aizmigt(un jā-gala termiņi vienmēr ir tik iedvesmojoši!)? Nerātns, nerātns strops! Fu! Nedrīkst! Bet ja ļoti gribās, tad tomēr drīkst... :)

trešdiena, 2011. gada 16. marts

uz galda glāzē ūdens ar citronu

Mīlestība kā... apgreidota zupa ar: karijā un magarīnā apceptiem vistas filejas gabaliņiem; lokiem/dillēm/puraviem, varētu būt tik ne-episki skaista.

pirmdiena, 2011. gada 14. marts

sprediķis putniem

varbūt... arlekīna asarotā sejas puse ir tikai publikas attieksmes projekcija. 
varbūt... arlekīns ir laimīgs un mīl sevi tik ļoti, ka publiski tas nav saprotams.
varbūt... arlekīns nav egoists ar sevismīlestību, ja atrod kādu ar ko sevi dalīt.

Asīzes Francisks lasīja sprediķus putniem pirms kļuva par svēto.
Laterāna koncils, PSKP kongress un vēl visādas citāds pulcēšanās.

neasaroti arlekīni bez publikas attieksmes projekcijas sejās var būt.
laimīgi arlekīni, kas sevi mīl publikas nesaprasti var būt.
neegoistiski arlekīni ar dalītu sevis mīlestību var būt.

sestdiena, 2011. gada 12. marts

We all are going to die!

Speculation on our future
We all are going to die!
Who are we? Society, civilization. This is going to be a speculation on our future.
Lets talk about philosophy a bit as we all love wisdom... A French writer, feminist, and social theorist, Simone de Beauvoir in the beginning of the 20th century advanced four pairs of opposites on which society, even civilization are founded. These four pairs were physical body and mentality,an individual and society, nature and culture, personal desire of survival and survival of species.
Physical body and mentality. How can these opposites affect “our” and “my” future? ! Let`s start with contemporary society. Most part of this society adore a physical body- real fiesta for plastic surgery and manufactureing of cosmetics and clothes . Instead of going to church we go to the cosmetologist or shopping. Mental needs of most part of our society are limited with watching cheep serials and films on TV. We should do something about it! Otherwise in near future we all could awake adoring some skinny overfried in solarium super model , a plastic surgeon and jeans from some trendy brand... Thanks God there is crisis! It makes people think more about spiritual values. So you can't afford going to the cinema for to see the latest and also most shallow film? You may try to find an old poetry book and read it- who knows you might find there some brand new meaning of life? In the end try to go to some kind of culturally bohemian event which is for free and where you have a chance to meat some very wise people?
The individual and society-the most important pair of opposites in the contemporary world. Relationships between the individual and society are meanings which my vision of future is based on. The individual aims and aims of society should be connected. For example, society of Latvia does not have even a direction of development not even talking about one aim. Society and especially the government must not ignore each and every individual’s “my vision” of life and things. Individual, do not become egoistic! You are also connected with “our vision” of society. Yes, it's very fashionable nowadays to preach revelation – you can be what you want and live as you want... What does it mean? Society does not have any principles and value system. If we are going to live like this further all of this “as you want” will cause global misunderstood hedonism. “What is hedonism?” you might ask... Its a way of antique philosophy. The main idea of this philosophy is: what makes you feel good is good and what makes you feel bad is bad. This belief could be a slogan for all the now-a-day addicts of any kind. Well... they have not heard the other idea of this philosophy-it is not shame to go into a pub, it is shame you cannot come out . In other words- you should not become a slave of things what make you feel happy.
About opposites nature and culture I am not going to talk just because at least 10 of you have already talked about the nature a bit too much.
Personal desire of survival and survival of species. Balance of this two opposites in Latvia is very solemn issue. Most part of young people are trying to survive and to live better and better so hard that they forget about their duty in front of society and continuing human species. Personal desire of very many “my” is danger for “our” society. An individual once heard “ you can be what you want and live as you want” forget about their duty to create new individuals- children. So our society is getting older and more passive. A family-the steam cell of society is becoming less and less notable. If we do not have “our” value system in society we should at least respect family which gives us “my” individual value system. Too bad that we do not have a value system in society- individual and society balance is going to end very soon. Consequently, when the balance of some of four opposites do not exist any more society and civilization is starting not to exist too.
So in the end I have come to the conclusion that our civilization is going to fall, in other words our civilization is dying. Recently I read about A. J. Toynbee`s theory about falling civilizations. The main signs of a falling civilization are people’s trying to avoid problems, there is some kind of drift and of course indiscrimination or uncritical attestation of everything . As you can see in contemporary society there definitely are all of these signs- trying to avoid problems- becoming a cosmopolitan, hedonist. Drift- people are not thinking about their future in family and children, indiscrimination - globalization.
Our civilization is dying and ,sooner or later, absolutely everything is going to metamorphose irretrievably, but do not be sad-it is natural. I mean - you are not fussing about your 105 year old grandgrandmother`s death in a very close future “Oh my God! Granny you are going to die! Pleas don't die! Why are you dying?” Am I right? So let’s just taste the last convulsions of our old and weak civilization...

expend your mind

sensual cynic- juteklisks ciniķis
obscene mocker- neķītrs zobgalis
tense narrative-saspringts stāstījums
sexual depravity-seksuālā izlaidība

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 10. marts


sapnis šonakt samta
aptinies paklusām kaklam
domāt nedrīkst
mīlēt ir slikti
padoties atdoties
kaklam paklusām aptinies 
samta šonakt sapnis

un viņu lēni nokož 

savām acīm izsmērētām
vērodams il bisbetico

svētdiena, 2011. gada 6. marts


orhideja kļūst dievlūdzējs un aprij
debesis pārāk baltas lai pretotos

pārvarot pieskāriena robežu
visas miesas šūniņas magnetizējas

esmu dabūjis Tevi zem savas ādas
angļu mēlē nenoliedzami labāk skan

vakari transformē gaismu tumsā
un reālo vēlamajā

aizbrauksim kādreiz pie jūras
kur es Tev mācīšu mīlēt

debesis pārāk baltas lai pretotos
orhideja kļūst dievlūdzējs un aprij