"Most people ignore most poetry because most poetry ignores most people. "
/Adrian Mitchell./

ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 31. marts

Bestiary of the great lichen.

Existing fire of temptation is even for the salamander much too hot.

Too many ducks are cause of too much gossip.

All unicorns are dead. The purity and strength gone with them.
So patient spiders are that hatred fills my chest.

A girl in headphones sings: "My only fix is you...."
And right she is.
Nymphs dancing all around my kitchen. 
So meaningless they are.

The diagnosis reads: too sociable , impatient too.
But... I am not a harpy,do you know?

Dreams flying round and round along with bats.
Can I be a phoenix ?Or an eagle to start it all over again?

Without the scorpion and a satyr’s influence
It would be so much easier.... appropriate-much more.

My bestiary 
My hive of bats and beasts

 Consequences of experience 
made me 
A griffin in warm sheets

/La seta y la alga./

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